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[Quick Tips] How To Eject Water From iPhone’s Speaker

Olidtech.com – For an iPhone user which has a newer version of the iPhone model, you may think your smartphone is tough enough to get some water splash. Some types of iPhones have IP certificates that prove their ability to repel water. Even though they have sand-proof and water-resistance ratings, iPhones are still vulnerable to water, especially with holes like speakers and lightning ports. A light rub with a dry towel may take the water away, but how about its inner side? can you wipe it? Well, it is difficult, even for Q-tips. Here is some advice to eject water from iPhone’s speaker with simple steps. Keep reading to the bottom that may fix your problem right now.

The keyword to fix water on iPhone’s speaker:

Simple Cleaning By Towel and Hanging It

simple wiping for drying iphone

The iPhone should be strong enough for being drawn to the water, but it’s not the case for every situation. The first thing you gonna do is gently wipe your iPhone with a dry towel. The next step is hanging it with clips and pointing the speaker hole to the ground. Let the gravity handle its job to pull out the remaining water on the smartphone. Maybe this attempt is not very convincing, but as first aid to prevent other damage without any tools, it is still a good choice to help preserve your iPhone’s speaker.

Try Use Siri’s Shortcut For Ejecting Water From Speaker

siri's shortcut water ejector

To use this feature, you need the Shortcut app first. Appstore has this app in the link below. After you download it, you can insert a plugin that specially ejects the water. The mastermind of this plugin is Josh0678 which uses low-frequency sound to push out water on the speaker. Apple doesn’t have an official water eject feature despite it has IP rate. However, this guy helps numerous people with wet speaker problems.

Moreover, this plugin is attached to the Shortcut app, so it also can be customized to your preferred place. You also can ask Siri by creating custom voice commands like “Hey Siri, Water Eject Shortcut” or something like that.

Download Shortcut App on AppStore

Download Water Eject Shortcut Plugin by Josh0678

Use Third-Party Apps Like Sonic

sonic app to flush out water

Another way to flush out the water from the speaker is app-like sonic. This app is a sound generator that can be set to a high and low-frequency tune. How to use sonic to eject water is simple.

  • Download it first on AppStore (the link are below).
  • Open the app and place your phone horizontally (or point the speaker to the ground depending on the model) to efficiently flush out the water.
  • Tap the water drop icon and hold it.
  • Control the frequency to lower one (between 150 – 200 Hz) that can vibrate the water and force it to come out.
  • Wipe the water that is ejected from the speaker and do it repeatedly until the water doesn’t come out again.

Despite its use for checking the speaker’s capability and ejecting the water, it may damage the speaker if used for a long time. A rash swipe between low and high-frequency tones could scar the speaker to make a hard tone. Use it occasionally to check the sound quality of the speaker is acceptable.

Download Sonic â“‹ Tone Generator App On AppStore

Web Sound Generator Could Help Flush Out Water

tone generator for draining water on iPhone speaker

If you can’t download the sound generator app right after getting wet, certain free web services also offer tone generators. For example, Online Tone Generator is a popular sound-making that also can eject water with a specific frequency. We suggest around 165-175 Hz for 3 minutes to flush out the water. Moreover, it is like a sonic app that also has a high pitch frequency to test out speakers. Another web such as fixmyspeaker.com also came up with the same idea to eject water from the iPhone speaker, but with a simple tap and wait until it’s done. Both of these web tone generators may help you to fix your speaker problem.

Rice Can Absorb Remaining Water

rice absorb remaining water on speaker

iPhone 7 or older doesn’t have any water-proof feature, so these tips can help you to get water out fast. Rice can be an option to draw out water and absorb it since it’s also good as a water absorber. all you can do is put on rice in the sealed bag, put the device inside of it, and seal it. Let it overnight to ensure your phone is drying. If your iPhone can be disassembly, open it up to faster the prosses.

Silica Gel Can Absorb Water From iPhone’s Speaker

silica gel for drying iphone

This “do not eat” bag that is usually on your new shoe has important items to keep dry. They are silica gel with spherical bead form. Generally, it can be used to absorb moisture and have a better absorber than rice. How to use silica gel is the same as drying it with rice. Place silica gel on the bag, put the wet iPhone, close the bag and let it for a couple of hours.

Get Apple or Professional Services

get apple support to fix problem

At last, if you are sure your speaker’s sound getting muffled and all of the above tips can’t help, get professional help. Apple support can help your phone with this condition since they have the tools to fix this matter. Moreover, muffled sounds caused by water could affect other instruments. In some cases, the water-resistance coating doesn’t seal completely. They will fix you in no time because it specializes in customer services. There are also other advantages to having iPhone than Android in some aspects. Check another article to find out what is it.

Reminder After Your iPhone Getting Wet Accidentally

  • If your iPhone gets mud all over the place, wash it first gently with low-pressure water to get off the mud. after that, wipe with a dry towel and let it dry.
  • Don’t use any heat generator like a hairdryer since it can damage the iPhone.
  • Accidentally splashed with a drink like juice or syrup may damage permanently damage the speaker. Immediately wash with flowing water until it is not sticky.
  • After getting wet for too long, turn off the power for preventing any short circuit jump. You can turn it on again if your phone is completely dry.
  • Don’t instantly open the SIM tray after getting wet since iPhone has sealed rubber that acts as water repel.
  • Newer iPhones have IP ratings up to 68, but iPhone 6 and older don’t have any water protection. Moreover, water damaged iPhone is also isn’t covered by an Apple warranty. So, be careful with your old phone.


The iPhone may have advantage features like water seal management, but it is not completely flawless. Water can get into the speaker for a long time until you realized about change in sound that became muffled. Before it happens to your iPhone, check these tips can eject water easily. Moreover, it also comes with many media to make it easy to use. We hope these quick tips help you to fix the wet iPhone problem.

Vilandy A
Vilandy A
Vilandy is an Olid editor with an utter interest in technology and research. He has passionate about games, gadgets, and electronic topics.

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