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The Most Popular Gacha Ritual To Boost Your Luck in Genshin Impact

Olidtech.com – Genshin Impact can’t be separated by its trait, Yes, the gacha system. This luck-based system regulates your luck to pull out your favorite character. Fortunately, their RNG system let you get a 5-star character on 90 Wishes. Even if you get a golden star, it is still a 50/50 chance to get a favorite figure and could get a common 5-Star like Diluc, Jean, or Qiqi. For the beginner player, getting one of the common characters is fine since they don’t have it, but It frustrating for end-game players. To Boost your luck within the game, We will show you the most popular gacha ritual that actually works for some people. Ok, are you ready to test your luck? Read this article thoroughly to the end.

The keyword on Boosting Your Luck in Genshin Impact Gacha Character:

Boost Luck From Grand Narukami Shrine

fortune slip box in Genshin Impact
Take a wish when you get the highest fortune in Grand Narukami Shrine’s fortune slip
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

There are some myths in Genshin Impact to boost your luck before taking a wish. If you have unlocked the Inazuma region, you can do these tips to tell you’re lucky day. Moreover, These popular tips may work with Inazuma characters like Sayu since it’s also her home. How to take a fortune slip is simple, here are the step to do it properly

  • Climb or teleport to the Grand Narukami Shrine on the top of the mountain.
  • Ask Gendou Ringo that on the right side of the kitsune sakura tree.
  • Tap the Fortune Slip Box and click the box to animate the bamboo slip.
  • Ask again Gendou Ringo to exchange the Bamboo Slip for the Fortune slip.
  • After getting the Fortune slip, read it on inventory.

Fortune slip can tell your luck by its fortune words. These slips can differ each time you visit the Narukami shrine. Unfortunately, It is only one try per day, so you can try again after the daily reset. There are certain fortune levels within the slip. The best slip is Great fortune and the worst is Great misfortune. If you get these 2 slips, you also open up achievement and grand you 5 primogems for each slip. Get the Great Fortune slip and RNG god may help your gacha chance to pull out fav character into your account.

Set The Family Team

5 Star Mondstadt team
Setting your team before wishing by its region/family
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

The power of friendship may help out their friend. For example, we construct the Mondstadt team with 5-star to wish Albedo or Klee. This can be an option as a variable for pulling other Mondstadt characters. Moreover, you can swap the character by its region or its related to the story. For people who have no luck gathering 5-star characters, 4-star also does the trick.

4-star Inazuma character team
Another option is to use a 4-star characters
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

A combination of these characters may lure out your luck and get prominent characters like Shogun Raiden, Yoimiya, or even Kamisato Ayato in the latest banner. You could use this attempt if you are interested before rolling out your wish.

Build a Team By Its Element

Hydro character team set Genshin Impact
Take Ayato back by a hydro team set
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

If you are stuck on a regional team idea, the elemental team is also a good combination for you. As a new player who doesn’t have many choices, just pick the same element as you want to wish. For instance, the hydro team party to pull the latest banner character, Kamisato Ayato. This option may be to adjust your luck into one element. However, it is hard to claim the success rate since it’s rare to see people do this kind of ritual.

Try Your Luck On Their Signature Place

Every limited banner character has its signature place. These characters usually appear in a particular place based on the lore or quest. Ningguang with her Jade Chamber or Jean with Favonius Office is several examples for that matter. Besides that, the Demo character video also give certain clue about its fighting place. All of these assumptions may raise your hope to get a certain secret easter egg on further updates while raising the probability to get these characters if you wish on that spot. We explain the meaning of signature place by 4 example characters: Raiden Shogun, Xiao, Sangonomiya Kokomi, and Shenhe.

Raiden Shogun Signature Place: Tenshukaku

Raiden Shogun signature Tenshukaku place
Climb up Tenshukaku on the top that looks like Raiden Shogun Demo
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

In the first place, this menacing character has quite fold with Tenshukaku, the Japanese-like castle. Raiden Shogun PV also shows her first appearance on the rooftop of Tenshukaku before showing her fighting skill. At first glare, its looks like Himeji castle with a large building and many floors. To get access to this castle, you need complete the Inazuma Archon Quest Chapter II, Act III: Omnipresence Over Mortal first.

If you rush into this place before completing the quest, the guard can feel your presence and force you to the main street. Yet, you can sneak to the castle with the least guard. You may need Geo Traveler if you don’t have Venti or Kazuha since it is so hard to climb. A usable item like Wind Catcher also does the trick to fly over the roof. Wishing on the Raiden Shogun banner in that place may raise up the chance to get her into your team.

Xiao Signature Place: Wangshu Inn

Xiao signature place Wangshu Inn
The calm place where Xiao usually comes out
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

Wangshu Inn is a notable place with a distinguished appearance after you complete anemo archon quest. This place is also the first impression of Xiao, a member of Yaksha. In version 1.3, this character has his first banner, and many beta taster players admire Xiao because of its tremendous damage and flexible elemental skill uses. Xiao was also one of the best DPS on the first version in Genshin Impact, so many new players would miss it. If its banner comes again, Wangshu Inn should be the first attempt to try your luck. For additional information, make an Almond tofu dish before going to Xiao’s place since it’s a favorite food for him.

Sangonomiya Kokomi Signature Place: Sangonomiya Shrine

Sangonomiya Kokomi signature place Sangonomiya Shrine
Sangonomiya Shrine is home for Sangonomiya Kokomi
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

The shrine that has the same name as Kokomi, Sangonomiya Shrine is inseparable from Kokomi and is claimed to be her signature place. Before getting to this place, there is also Archon Quest that leads to the island called Watatsumi. For rituals on this shrine, you can idle in the middle of the arch bridge. For more luck boosting power, you can use Gorou as Watatsumi leader army or a water catalyst character like Barbara or Mona. Some people may doesn’t like Kokomi’s trait because of the nullified crit rate effect, but it is a good builder sub-DPS-healer while she uses elemental burst or skill.

Shenhe Signature Place: Qingxu Pool

Shenhe signature place Qingxu Pool
Qingxu Pool is one of the signature places for Shenhe according to its Preview video
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

Shenhe is also a good support character in Genshin Impact which enhances the power of Cyro DPS. How to boost luck while pulling her into your permafrost team? Well, there are two candidate places that you can try. The first one is Qingxu Pool based on her PV while saving her “nephew”, Chongyun, and another place is Mt. Aocang that her training ground with cloud retainer. It is easy to get to these places since it doesn’t have any requirement quest except if you are new to the teyvat world. Moreover, the ritual is to get idle amination on top of a rock in the Qingxu pool. While in Mt. Aoceng, you can serve some food on the table and sit on a stone chair. Both places are the signature of Shenhe, so wisely spend your intertwined fate on these locations.

High Place For Better Luck

Genshin Impact is an open-world game that has an enormous landscape with many contours like mountains, seas, and even underground cities like Enkanomiya and The Chasm. Because of that, this gacha game has many places that have a huge probability to increase the success rate of the character wishing. Old tales usually tell people to travel to high ground if they wish for something, it is also the same on Genshin Impact. Some players have good luck while climbing-specific high places to wish limited character. We summarize popular high places for activating RNG god come to your place.

Throw Something on Skyfrost Nail

on top of skyfrost nail Genshin Impact
Climb to the top of Skyfrost Nail, especially on a floating tower
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

Dragonspine located between Liyue and Mondstadt region is the best high ground to wish limited character. It is popular to roll out wishes for Albedo and Eula. Moreover, this place has medium difficulty since sheer cold can deplete your HP if too long on this mount. Having anemo characters like Kazuha or Venti can make it easy, but other characters are also fine. The ritual you can do after getting to the floating tower is throwing something. Some players usually take amber to throw the baron bunny as well as Klee with Jumpy Dumpty. Bennett can make a funny entrance with his charged skill and launch to the ground. While in mid-air, tap the wish to make a sacrifice wishing.

Leisurely on Qingyun Peak

Qingyun peak for wishing in Genshin Impact
Set time to sunset or sunrise on Qingyun Peak for a better wishing chance
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

In Qingyun Peak, there are floating objects that store luck for several years (At least we dramatize the place). Before getting there, you should clear the puzzle to activate the wind upstream. The view on this site is magnificent, especially at sunset or sunrise. The veteran player usually uses this place to make a wish. You can take a seat while trying your luck on the limited banner. To improvise your idea on gacha in this place, pick Ningguang and glide in the direction of the sun, and use a plunging attack to simulate a golden star. While in mid-air, you should make a wish fastly before touching the ground.

Sitting on Barbatos Statue Hand

Barbatos signature statue on Genshin Impact
Sitting on the hand of Anemo Archon may increase the chance
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

In Genshin Impact’s version 2.6, Kamisato Ayato is released with a rerun anemo archon banner known as Venti. This support-type character has powerful sucking by creating a mini black hole and has high mobility with better crowd control. For the beginner players, you should bring them back to your team since it helps you to explore teyvat. The best place to make a wish in this gacha game is Barbatos Statue. The starter pack place for new players to try their luck by sitting on its hand. You may be frustrated while climbing this statue since it slips off easily on its wrist.

Pull Anemo Character on Stormterror’s Lair

Stormterror's Lair Genshin Impact
Blessing from Dvalin may rank up your probability to win character
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

Another site for pull anemo character is Stormterror’s Lair. Why? Because there is Dvalin, Stormterror’s real name that resides within this place. If you unlock weekly boss on this site, it’s easy to get into this place. At first release, this location was also the highest place in Mondstadt. Hopefully, you get a blessing from the sacred dragon to increase your luck on wishing a 5-star anemo character.

Jade Chamber for Gain Some Luck

Jade Chamber and its owner
Ningguang’s Jade chamber is the highest place in Liyue City and it is suitable for wishing
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

This building has been sacrificed to fight Osial, the sea monster that threat Liyue Harbor city. It’s being rebuilt again in archon quest and is the highest site within the Liyue area. Ningguang, as Jade Chamber owner and one of Liyue Qixing, can give you a blessing to pull out limited character. She has good luck and is rich in many aspects, so her place may have a luck aura to boost your fortune on geo character wishing.

Get Kitsune Blessing On Grand Narukami Shrine

Grand Narukami Shrine Genshin Impact
Get to the top of the central shrine and you are blessed with kitsune magic
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

After getting the best luck in fortune Slip, you can go this way. While on Grand Narukami Shrine, climb to the center rooftop shrine and make a wish. Some players also trying to get Yae Miko in this ritual. Other sites like under Tori Gate or ahead of kitsune sacred tree are also fine. You can combine the idea with building an electro team while making idle animation, and hopefully, your luck can come to you.

Face the Fear on Amokumo Peak

Amakumo Peak Genshin Impact
The highest place on Amagumo Island where Thunder Manifestation is reside
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

Amakumo peak is also one of the highest spots in the Inazuma region. For the beginner player, you can unlock this site by clearing the Seirai Stormchaser quest. you need to gather the floating while completing some stone puzzles. If you have cleared the quest and defeated Thunder Manifestation, you can give a shot in wishing. While you on it, you also can get unique achievements. The requirement is you are not attacking the thunder manifestation while it’s locked to you. You can tell by a locked purple circular sign on your character’s body.

Check Your Time on Gacha Character

Time controller in Genshin Impact
Check and move to the favorable time you want to wish
(Image credit: HoYoverse/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

Time is essential for scheduling daily tasks while doing some events to get more primogem. However, Genshin Impact has its own time control, so placing your preferable time to wish may affect your luck. Besides the in-game timer, This gacha game also has a time reset depending on your regional time. Generally, Genshin Impact reset dairy on 4 A.M. in GMT +8. Around that time, we assumed to have a high rate to pull out 5-star characters since there may be a limit for people to get high-grade characters for a day. It’s just our wild theory but it’s worth trying.

Ritual In Real Life? You Should Check The Pity Rate

Shenhe with Chongyun
For the sake of your favorite character, you may do unbelievable things
(Image credit: Youtube/Genshin Impact)
(Screenshot by Vilandy)

Ritual in Real Life? Wait a minute, Is it work? Of course not. We assumed certain actions or attempts within the game may make a different outcome since some program may affect it. While you are trying to get a prominent character by printing a magic circle in real life it funs but does not affect the game itself.

If all above doesn’t have any luck for you, get the calculator and make the possibility. Genshin Impact has a pity system that guarantees to obtain a 5-star character. However, some hardcore players find that there is a luck spike between 70 – 80 wishes. We called it soft pity. Before you make a wish, check the pity first. If you getting close to 70, with one by one until 90. It has a high chance of hitting on 75 pity rate, so save your money on that spot. New players can save up some primogem while considering the character they need. Check another article to guide beginner players in Genshin Impact while collecting primogem and building a strong team.

Vilandy A
Vilandy A
Vilandy is an Olid editor with an utter interest in technology and research. He has passionate about games, gadgets, and electronic topics.

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